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Hire Me To Write Your Film Script

Prices may be negotiable based on the nature of your project, but the standard charges are listed below:


Feature Film Script - £2000


Short Film Script (20 - 30 minutes) - £1200


Short Film Script (5 - 15 minutes) - £600

Hire Me To Write Your TV Or Web Script

Prices listed are for TV or web episodes, however, for web shows and TV pilots prices may be more flexible, depending on the nature of the project.


TV Episodes - £5 per page.


Web Episodes - £3 per page.


Hire Me To Write A Stage Play

Stage Plays - £6 per page.

Hire Me To Edit Your Script

This service accounts for all mediums and formats, be they scripts for film, TV, web, or stage. 


For all scripts - £4 per page.

Hire Me To Consult On Your Script

For script consultations I offer advice and guidance on things such as story structure, formatting, use of language, how to most effectively convey what your script is supposed to communicate to an audience, and more.


Consultations can take place over the phone or in person, but meeting in person may incur additional fees for travel.


Script Consultation - £30 per hour.

Hire Me To Give Script Coverage

For this service I'll give detailed notes on your script, highlighting what should be maintained, and what should be altered, added, or removed. I'll also give notes on overall script structure and formatting.


For all scripts - £2 per page.


Thanks for submitting!

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